What are the example policies for?
Every organisation needs a collection of Polices & Procedures to guide its day-to-day activities & governance. And these days most grant-giving bodies require charities and community groups to be able to produce any number of policies before they will donate any money.
Starting with a blank sheet of paper and “reinventing the wheel” can be a lengthy and tedious process. So it is hoped that this collection of example policies - most of which have themselves been modified from the policies of others - will simplify the process a little by providing some ideas to get you going.
But will they be right for my charity or group?
Every organisation is, of course, different. So these examples are unlikely to be exactly what you require for your situation.
You will therefore need to adapt them to suit your own particular needs and situation. In some cases the required modifications may be quite trivial. In other cases (particularly for compliance with GDPR) pretty much the whole document will require re-writing.
But, hopefully, they will help you over those most difficult of initial hurdles :
"Where do I start?" &
"What do I need to include?”
So how do I start?
The examples are all downloadable as either PDF files or as editable MS-Word(R) documents.
Simply click on the relevant icons ( for PDFs,
for Docs) next to the titles that you are interested in.
You can then adapt them as necessary to fit your own particular situation and delete the disclaimer notices provided that you publish and use them as your own documents under your own identity.
If you have any comments/suggestions (and, particularly, criticisms) that would make these example policies more useful to others we would be delighted to hear from you at
Disciplinary Issues
It is recommended that you consult the ACAS website for appropriate guidance
Data Management Policy for a Small Charity
This example has been updated to take account of revisions to GDPR legislation following Brexit
Example Privacy Notice for Charity Trustees
Example Privacy Notice for Participants in Simple Activities
Large Legacies & Donations
A suggestion for when the occasional receipt of a large legacy threatens to distort the charity’s resources and cash-flow.
On Becoming a Charity Trustee
This is a brief over-view of some of the key issues that potential new trustees of a charity need to know about and includes links to many of the more detailed guidance publications available.
Reimbursing Expenses & Purchases
Some notes and a claims form template you might find useful.
Reserves Policy
Unlike the other guidance leaflets in this series, this leaflet is not so much a “template” for a Reserves Policy as guidance on how to create one. It is therefore available only as a PDF.
The earlier examples have been withdrawn.
See the recent update to Charity Commission guidance
The NCVO website also has some useful guidance and templates
Click on the image (right) to download a full copy of it.
A link to the WCVA model policy
Intellectual Property and Copyrights
Please click HERE to read our legal notice
All the examples policies on this webpage are the intellectual property and copyright of Small Charity Support. They are made available free of charge and royalties for adaptation and use by bona fide small charities and not-for-profit community organisations for their own purposes.
Use of the examples, directly or modified, for commercial or for-profit purposes is NOT permitted.